Types of vascular growths regarding their localization: A superficial vascular tumor can appear on any part of the skin - on the face (nose, lower eyelid, forehead, lip), head, limbs. Often there are multiple small vascular spots on the skin of the abdomen and trunk. Mucosal hemangioma is formed in the submucosal layer or on the stratified squamous epithelium of the inner (mucosal) membrane, for example, the oral cavity or genital organs. An internal vascular tumor is a vascular formation on various internal organs. Formed on the brain, kidneys, spleen, liver, etc.
With a large tumor, conservative treatment is necessary to stop the growth of the pathological formation. An atypical form of hemangioma may be found in the liver. Vascular tumor of the musculoskeletal system. Compared to parenchymal, it is less dangerous, although due to the rapid increase in size, which outstrips the growth of bones in children, it can lead to serious consequences in the form of skeletal deformation. It often forms on the spine, less often on other bones, such as the skull or pelvis.
The formation is localized on the spinal column, more often in the cervical or lumbar region. Dangerous hemangioma of the vertebral body, because. its destruction occurs, clinically manifested by severe back pain. Symptoms of hemangiomas of various types.
Up to six months of the child, it grows intensively, then growth slows down significantly or stops completely. A hemangioma of a significant size leads to a cosmetic defect or, depending on the location, to a violation of the functions of one or another organ. A simple tumor in children is prone to spontaneous regression.
A flat superficial hemangioma is visualized as a smooth spot on the skin of an intensely pink, raspberry or crimson-violet color with clear or blurred edges. Sometimes it rises slightly above the surface of the skin. Often there is a stellate hemangioma, which looks like a pink spot with dilated vessels radially diverging from it.
Hemangioma of the cavernous type is located under the skin in the form of a formation of cavities filled with blood. It rises on the skin. It has a red-cyanotic color, changing as the tumor grows to purple-violet. Such a vascular formation is often found in newborns. When coughing, crying, it protrudes due to blood flow to the cavities.
With superficial hemangioma, no special diagnosis is required, the growth of sildalis tissue is visible without special devices. Palpation, related to the methods of physical examination, allows you to determine the consistency of the formation and its boundaries. The color is visible during visual objective examination of the tumor formation.
Its functions are violated, the cells suffer from hypoxia, the development of foci of necrosis is not excluded. This leads to severe long-term pain. With hemangioma of the spinal column, the patient is concerned about pain in the department where it is localized. With a significant size or progressive growth of the tumor, it is possible to limit motor activity up to partial immobilization.
The appearance and consistency of a combined or mixed hemangioma depends on the prevalence of one or another tissue in the composition. It may look like a capillary tumor or like a cavernous tumor. In the clinic of parenchymal formation, its size and exact localization are important. BolA larger hemangioma often leads to compression of the part of generic sildalis on which it is located.